Thursday, August 16, 2007

Today i have been flat strat.
Good news in the camp - Cooper has been accepted into North Nowra Public School and is off to big school as of next week. He will be attending school every Thursday arvo for 1hour so he gets used to the school and hopefully settes down for next year.

Meanwhile Charlee is still unwell She has gone from sore ear to tonsilitis to a really bad mouth throat infection. If she is sill unwell by weekend the Doctor will admit her to hospital AGAIN!!!
I have decided to take out some shares in the hosp as we are regular customers.

Have applied for a new house in North Nowra, waiting to here back.

I will keep you guys posted!


Happyjen said...

Great news on coop getting into nth Nowra school, Good luck on the house.
I hope our little Charlee starts to pick up soon, poor baby need a (((((( charlee ))))))

Miss cath said...

Hope you get the house Kase.

Give Charlee and Coop a big hug for me.

You know where I am if you need anything

KAYCEE said...

thanks lovely peoples. she has been picking up and hope fully on the mend