Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Got out the wrong side of he bed...

Today has been a little mix up for me.... Well i finished work last night at 10pm. By the time i picked the kids up and got them into bed it was 11:30pm, So my head hit the sack around midnight, i was out like a light till i was woken up by the sound of a alarm going beep beep beep. Well i nilly hurled it out the window as i was so tired. So i got up showered me and 2 kids, breakie etc the morning duties.

Finally got to the school dropped the kids off, waited in the North Nowra traffic line and was bound for work. When i arrived at work i noticed i was not on the roster and THAT I HAD GONE IN ON MY DAY OFF!!!!!!

Not happy at all..... The boss sent me home, just home the day doesn't end up being one of those days.


Haylee said...

Oh no! There is definitely nothing worse than going to work when you're not supposed to be there! Hope the last couple days have been better for ya