Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Finally Dads on the mend

Gee this man is a fighter!!!!!

Well he moved out of intensive care today and is on the wards. He can now be contacted by phone which is beside his bed. Please contact me or Simone for the number.

He is still on dialysis as his kidneys are failing to get better. The vein calapsed last night so they had to place a shunt in this neck and reconnect the machine. His kidneys has 8 weeks to improve if theydont then he will permantley on dialysis, he has been placed on a strict diet. high protein and only 1.2 L of fluid daily.

He is suffering major pain to the groin as there is a blood clot, so he has been placed on Hepren to clear that.

Has lost a lot of weight which was to be expeced, hopefully when he gets better we can fatten him up. I finally got to see him for 5 mins on friday night, i brought him a card and 2 puzzle books.

He has 3 beautiful pictures of us kids, mum and the grand kids up. Simone has also made a lovley album.

He is very happy mum has been by his side all the time, and loves visitors or phone calls.

The family are going to try and make i up on the weekend.

Mum has a lovely hotel and is very plesent.


Happyjen said...

Kase, this is wonderful news.
I hope to be able to see him on Friday or Sunday.

miss~nance said...

great news.

I was hoping to go up and see him tomorrow but now have a cold. Will have to try for next week now.

Miss cath said...

Tony rang and spoke to him Kase. It was so good for Tony to talk to him. He was much happier afterwards. He first thought he didn't want to bother him but with the phone beside his bed its easier.
Thanks for the updates.