Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Kaycees week

Not much happening over the past week besides worked 6 days straight and i have the next 2 ays off... DH finished work Thrsday arvo so we had days with him at home, which was great. I brought him a new BBQ and the underbelly DVD for his birthday.

Over the weekend we went and visited my dad and we spent a good 2 hour with him.Last night he has been moved to Rehab wards so that should mean he is allowed home in a few weeks. I rubbed cream on his feet to try and loosen the dead skin. He got a load of visitors to so it made him happy and kept his mind busy.

DH on his way home from doing a few runs yesterday, he is so tired and cranky, he needs urgent sleep and a mad feed. Poor babe.

Last nigth while i worked Cooper was in full form and decided to trash the house. Well when i arrived he soon cleaned up, i made him chuck his DVD's out that were laying around. He had spilt coco pops and milk all over his floor, flooded the bath and water spilt all over the carpet, and now i stinks, Burnt the doona as he chucked it over the heater. Ate the house out and beat up the baby sitters little boy. I was so Peaved and angry with him, it is so hard these days to get anyone to have my kids let alone a naughty boy. I think after last night he woud not be game to be naughty again.

I have an appointment with a solicator today, the lady that hit our car back on November 2007, has no cash to fix it so we have to tke her to court to strt garnishing her centrelink payments. a whooping $10.00 per fortnight. thats disgusting.

Other that then thats been my week. Boring as usual.


Happyjen said...

good to see cooper is still in fine form ....lol ... Gotta love him.
Good to hear Dad is doing so well, bet mum will b glad when he can finally go home.
Poor Dean, give him some extra tender lovin care.
how's Charlee??