Sunday, July 13, 2008

Miss Charlee REALLY unwell

The past 2 days have been so horrible for Miss Charlee, she has had over 8 seizures and is really unwell.

This time round has been the worst ever, we have experienced with her.

She has been in and out of hospital and currently is asleep as she had a few fits over night and is exhausted...

We now currently have a medication we put up her nose when she fits and it ceases the seizure and sedates her. The medication is madazapan. i think thats how it is spelt.

They took some bloods and her white blood cell count was fine... She had a slight temp which was 37.6 so nothing to high. I spent a good few hours trying to collect a urine sample but thatwas to no avail.

They ave increased her epilium to 3 tablets BD(Twice a day). As she has grown her dose has not changed for over 1 year. she currently weighs in at 17kgs.

Please have her in your thoughts

Last night she had an episode again but it was a miner seizure and only lasted 1min.



Cass said...

Kaycee, You and Charlee are in my thoughts and prayers.
Hugs, Cass

Haylee said...

Poor lil darlin. Praying for you guys. Hope she has a better week this week.

Happyjen said...

gee Kc, I hope Charlee is starting to feel better, Poor little princess give her a great big (((((( aunty neen )))))) hug for me.
loves ya's