Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hi there

Hi thanks for checking in, lately i have been a slight slack but have had heaps on my plate.
I have had court case after court case, with Inlaws. Judge must have felt for us as he awarded the AVO's so now i can go back to living life without trouble.
Miss Charlee has been really sick and in hosp, with uncontrolable seizures they ended up having to give her Valium. It really bowled her and made her a zombie but it stopped the seizures, so she has been off school for 1 week now. High temps etc.
I have not worked as i had to watch her so i used this time to spring clean the house as i have a house inspection. i have been gurneying the walls cement etc. played with some acid and now the cement is sooo clean.
Mr Cooper has been a good boy at school and getting lots of merits.So daddy brought him a wii, it is the best thing. Dean and i have competitions, we love it more i think. Not long to Coopers birthday, not sure what to get him dean thinks a flat panel for his room.
Dean is still truck driving and doing long hours.He has a course on saturday for fatigue management, so he is able to drive more hours in a day specailly with the new laws starting at the end of the month. Our old computer blew up so we got a new flash one and it is so quick i love it, so now i sit on face book all day.


Haylee said...

Wow, can't believe you've had so much on! Hope Charlee's feeling better & that things are better now with the AVO in place. Glad Cooper's been so good at school!

Happyjen said...

You have been a busy beaver haven't you.
I sure hope our little princess is feeling better this week.
((( Charlee )))
Good to hear the little man is doing well at school, maybe that's what he needed.
((( Cooper )))
CYA on facebook ..... LOL